Thursday, January 6, 2011

on the twelfth day of Christmas

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me ... er, a new episode of Grey's Anatomy? I'll take it, even if that does imply that my tv is my true love.  And given the choice between trashy tv and 12 leaping lords, I'd probably choose McDreamy and McSteamy.  And don't even get me started on Dr. Hunt - yes please!

So it's the last day of Christmas and all our decorations are put away - which is always a little sad.  (I prefer to wait until Groundhogs day to take down the tree - I read on Wikipedia that it is bad luck to leave your tree up past February 2nd and though I'm not usually superstitious, it feels right.  This year, my roommates put up the tree so really wasn't my call.)  And here I sit listening to Christmas music, reflecting on the season. 

I had a lovely Christmas this year.  I flew home a few day before Christmas with minimal incident.  And my lovely Mum had so much planned for us, it was really quite magical.  She orchestrated a continual array of cozy parties, fun outings, succulent feasts and scrumptious treats.  While I was only home for a few days, I was able to do everything I wanted and received lovely gifts.  Ahh Christmas, you're the best! 

In the meanwhile, it's good to back working and playing in DC. 

1 comment:

  1. twas a good christmas, indeed. thanks for the present mags, i can't wait to use those mittens!
